Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2 months

Last  week I took William to the doctor for his 2 month checkup.  He is weighing in at 13.3 pounds and 24.5 inches.  The doctor played with William and commented on how strong he was.  William got 2 big shots.  He cried for about 3 minutes with the shots, but had stopped by the time we were walking out the door.  I pretty much held him the entire day and just loved on him.  He slept alot.  He wasn't really fussy until 2 days after the shots. 

William is now a formula baby.  I breast fed for 6 weeks, but decided to start adding formula to his feedings the 7th week.  He is now on Similac Sensitive formula and is doing great.  I made the choice to stop breastfeeding because I knew I would be going back to work in about 5 weeks, and I wanted to get him use to his formula.  I also did not want to be pumping at work, so I needed to get my body back in check. 

We also started letting William sleep in his crib.  Originally he was sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom, but he was growing so fast that he out grew the bassinet about 2 weeks ago.  :(  I can't believe it!  We use our monitor to keep a watch on him thru the night.

I love going into William's room when he wakes up. I pop my head over the side of the crib and the smile that appears on his face is enough to make me forget how tired I am  most of the time!  He is smiling more and more and it is so precious!

Sometime this week I'll be packing up all of William's newborn clothes and even some of his 0-3 months clothes that are too small.  It's hard to believe how fast my baby boy is growing!

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